Brain Injury Association of Ohio Support Groups

Upcoming Support Groups

You can search groups local to you by searching your zip code in the search box.


Support Group Listing by County


University Hospital-Beachwood

note: caregivers only.

When:  Every 4th Wednesday, starting April 26, 2023, 5:00pm–6:00pm

Contact for zoom link to join

MetroHealth Trauma Recovery Center Support Group (for survivors of all types of trauma)

MEETS: 3rd Thursday of the month at 5:00 pm

Go to Meeting Webpage to scan the QR code with your phone to join via Zoom

OhioHealth Dempsey Center TBI Support Group

Contact: The Dempsey Center 614.788.6115 or

Note: The Dempsey Center has over 25 support, education and therapy including TBI, Stroke, Caregiver Support Groups, Yoga, Art, and Communication groups. You can find a calendar of events on their website at Dempsey Center-OhioHealth

PLANS of Southwest Ohio

First Tuesday of every month, from 2pm-3pm

Contact Melissa Rowland for zoom link  513.317.7019

Cr3ative Expressions

Second Thursday of every month, at 6:00pm

Contact:  email or their Facebook page:

Cr3ative Expressions Brain Injury Support Group

Group is for survivors, caregivers, and family members

Heads Up No Boundaries-Edwin Shaw Rehabilitation Hospital

Second Wednesday of every month, 3:00pm – 5:00pm

Contact:  Christine Bailey at   234.815.5100

Case Western Reserve Synapse-Peer Support Group

Every Tuesday virtually 7-8PM

Click to register



Mercy Health St. Rita's Medical Center

730 West Market Street

Lima, Ohio 45805

Where: High Street Cafe Conference Room 

When: The third Monday of every month from 11:30am - 1:00pm 

Contact: Brittany Patterson or Megan Evers @ 419-227-3361 ext. 7773 or 7768


University Hospital-Beachwood

University Rehabilitation Hospital-Beachwood

2333 Harvard Rd.

Beachwood, OH  44122

When:  Every 4th Wednesday, starting April 26, 2023, 5:00pm–6:00pm

note: caregivers only.

Hanson House TBI Clubhouse

Berea United Methodist Church

170 Seminary Street

Berea, OH  44017

When:  Every Wednesday, from 10:30am – 2:30pm

Please call 10 days in advance to attend meetings

Contact:  Diana Kelley   440.234.9900

Hanson House Caregiver Support Group

Berea United Methodist Church

170 Seminary Street

Berea, OH  44017

Third Wednesday of every month, from 6:00pm – 7:30pm

Contact:  Diana Kelley  440.234.9900

Church office:  440.234.3525

Trauma Survivors Network

Cleveland Metro Health

2500 Metrohealth Drive

Cleveland, OH  44109

Third Wednesday of each month, at 6:00pm

Contact Rhonda Jenkins  216.778.8643

Support Trauma and Recovery Group (STAR)

MetroHealth Trauma Recovery Center Support Group (for survivors of all types of trauma)

MEETS: 3rd Thursday of the month at 5:00 pm

Location: MetroHealth Hospital

2500 Metrohealth Drive, Cleveland, OH 44109

ALSO virtual via Zoom:

Go to Meeting Webpage to scan the QR code with your phone to join via Zoom

Brain Tumor Support Group

Cleveland Clinic – Taussig Cancer Center

Virtual Platform

Every 3rd Tuesday, 4 p.m. - 5 p.m

For more information, please call 216.636.0007, option 2.


Brain Injury Support Group

Christ Church

23080 Royalton Road

Columbia Station, OH  44028

Last Sunday of each month, except for December from 4:00pm – 6:00pm

Contact:  Mary Beth Ballenger or 440.570.0946

Caregivers and Survivors are welcome

Parents who are caregivers meeting:

First meeting: Sunday, February 4th

4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. in Room 101

Christ Church

23080 Royalton Road

Columbia Station

Contact: Kim,

Greater Cleveland Stroke Club

Caregiver/Survivor Meeting

Select Hospital

11900 Fairhill Rd., Cleveland, OH 44120

First Wednesday of the month, 6:30-8:30PM

RSVP to Kay 440-449-3309

Email for zoom links.

For more events see their calendar


Christ Church

23080 Royalton Road

Columbia Station, Ohio  44028

Last Sunday of every month from 5:00pm – 7:00pm

Contact:  Mary Beth Ballenger or 440.570.0946

There are two separate groups:  one for survivors and one for caregivers/supporters.

Cleveland Clinic Rehabilitation Hospital

4389 Medina Road, Copley, OH  44321

Held in cafeteria

Second Wednesday of each month, from 3:0 pm – 5:00pm 

Contact: 234.815.5066



Sandusky Area Stroke Club

First Tuesday of each month, 11:30 meet for lunch and conversation at a restaurant.  Call Sue 419-433-3054 for the location. 

Third Tuesday of each month, 5:30 PM, meet for dinner and conversation at Longhorn Steakhouse on Rt. 250 in Sandusky. 

Contact Sue at 419-433-3054 or for information.

All/Everyone welcome means stroke survivors, brain injured, spouses, caregivers, friends, etc.


TBI Support Group for those experiencing homelessness, SUDS, and Mental Health diagnosis

Columbus Public Library- Main

96 S. Grant Ave Columbus Ohio 43214

Thursday, October 17, 2004, at 6:30 - 8:00 pm Meeting Room 1B

Thursday, November 21, 2004 at 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Meeting Room 1B

Columbus Metropolitan Library, Main Branch, 96 South Grand Ave., Columbus, Ohio 43214

Meeting room may change monthly, contact Michael for details.

Contact: Michael Oliver at, 614 649-5154

Note: Caregivers are welcome and there will be a focus on brain injury education, awareness and outreach.

The Dempsey Family, Education and Resource Center

The Ohio Health Riverside Methodist Hospital

The Ohio Health Neuroscience Center

3535 Olentangy River Rd.

Columbus, Ohio 43214

Contact: The Dempsey Center 614.788.6115 or

Note: The Dempsey Center has over 25 support, education and therapy including TBI, Stroke, Caregiver Support Groups, Yoga, Art, and Communication groups. You can find a calendar of events on their website at Dempsey Center-OhioHealth

Parking: Bring your parking ticket to the meeting for validation

OSU Brain Injury Support GROUP-Brainiacs

Brainiacs—First meeting in-person: November 19, 2024 from 6:30-7:30.

After that, the third Tuesday of each month. The group meets at Outpatient Rehabilitation, OSU WMC, 2050 Kenny Road, Suite 2134. This group is for any survivor of any kind of brain injury, whether it’s traumatic, a stroke, a tumor or any other medical condition that creates problems for the brain. Dr. Wanda McIntyre is the facilitator and can be reached at 614-293-3830.

“SMART” - Survivors Making a REAL TEAM

This is a support group for young adults who have survived traumatic and acquired brain injuries that includes education and socialization through different activities. This group is hybrid, you can participate via Zoom or In-person.

Contact Facilitator: Justin Lennon, MSW, LSW, 614-293-2022. This group meets at Outpatient Rehabilitation, OSU WMC, Suite 2134 in the Martha Morehouse at 2050 Kenny Road on the 2nd Tuesday of the month from 6:30-8pm.

TBI Network

The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center in cooperation

with the ADAMH of Franklin County.

Contact: For information, questions or eligibility, call: 614.685.8511


PLAN of Southwest OHio Mild TBI Support Group

1251 Kemper Meadow Dr. Suite 100-A

Cincinnati, OH  45240

First Tuesday of every month, from 2pm-3pm

Contact:  Melissa Rowland  513.317.7019

Please email Melissa for exact room location

Trihealth Brain Injury Support Group

TriHealth Rehabilitation Hospital

2155 Dana Ave Cincinnati, Ohio 45207

First Floor Education Room

First Wednesday of Every Month 6:00-7:00PM

Contact: Caroline Conway,, 513-549-9138


Adena Stroke Support Group

location changes monthly, please contact Tiffany or Katie: 937-981-9294

First Thursday of every month, from 11am-12pm

accepts brain injury survivors and caregivers.


Brain Injury Support Group of Holmes and Wayne Counties

2285 Benden Drive

Wooster, Ohio  44691

Second Tuesday of each month, from 2:00pm – 3:00pm

Contact:  Pamela Denise Tolliver:

330.809.8095 or James Foley at  330.264.9029  ext. 1173

This group is for survivors only. 



The Newark Ohio TBI Support Group

When: Group is meeting informally at the moment.  If you are interested, please contact  Lisa Diller: 740.405.4103

Pataskala Headbangers Support Group

When: The Group Meets Quarterly

Where: Matt Parker’s Home – Pataskala, Ohio 

Call for exact address and meeting times

Facilitated by Effie Parker 740.927.7138



Traumatic Brain Injury Support Group of Logan County

Mary Rutan Hospital, cafeteria conference room

205 Pamer Road

Bellefontaine OH  43311

Fourth Monday of each month, from 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Contact:  Becky Weber:  937.441.1895



Greater Toledo Brain Injury

Ability Center of Toledo Ohio

5605 W. Monroe St.

Sylvania, Ohio 43560

Meets the second Tuesday of each month, from  6:30pm - 8:25pm

(419) 266-1678

Traumatic Brain Injury Resource Center

Shopping Center on:

7430 W. Central Ave., Suite C

Toledo, Ohio 43617

Center is open Monday through Thursday each week.

Daily Hours 10:00am - 4:00pm

Programs: Speech and Memory Group - Meets twice weekly.

Occupational Therapy - Meets twice weekly

Programs for Nutrition and Inspirational support - continuous Special events.

Contacts: Jackie and Michael Moore, Founders

Special group of volunteers always present.  Center - 419.214.0555.  For more information and schedule of activities see website:



Medina Group

Meets the second and fourth Tuesdays of every month (except December)

4:30pm – 6:00pm

Contact Pam Hunt, Medina County Board of DD,  330.725.7751, ext. 261 or for locations and upcoming events.

This group is for survivors and caregivers, and the location is announced monthly.




Last Monday of each month, 6:30-7:30PM, survivors and caregivers in separate rooms at the same time.

Central Christian Church

1200 Forrer Blvd., Kettering, OH 45420



Zanesville Ohio BI Support Group

Genesis Hospital

2951 Maple Ave.

Zanesville, Ohio 43701

Enter the Main Door proceed to first elevator:

Go to the basement, door will open across from meeting room.

The third Monday of each month, at 6:00pm

Facilitated by Katie Garret   740.454.4339



Cr3ative Expressions

Summa Rehab Hospital

29 North Adams Street

Akron, OH  44304

Second Thursday of every month, at 6:00pm

Contact:  email or their Facebook page:

Cr3ative Expressions Brain Injury Support Group

Group is for survivors, caregivers, and family members


Heads Up No Boundaries – Survivors and Caregivers

Clinic Rehabilitation Hospital, Edwin Shaw

4389 Medina Road, Copley, OH  44321

Second Wednesday of every month, 3:00pm – 5:00pm

Contact:  Christine Bailey at   234.815.5100


New Beginnings

Copley Place

Holiday Copley Place by Atria, in the 3rd floor Chapel

Third Monday of each month

Contact:  Dale Fortune  330.865.4634 or


Wives’ Support Group

Cleveland Clinic Rehabilitation Hospital, Edwin Shaw (multipurpose room)

4389 Medina Road, Copley, OH  44321

Every other Monday, at 6:00pm

Contact Dr. Frye’s office at 330.836.6825 for information

This meeting is for women whose husbands have experienced a brain injury

Tuscarawas County

Head Strong Brain Injury Support Group

Cleveland Clinic Union Hospital, Reeves Conference Room

659 Boulevard St, Dover, OH 44622

 Second Wednesday of every month from 4:00-5:00pm

First meeting is August 9th 2023

Contact: 330-432-8427

This group is for survivors and caregivers 

Union County

Brain Injury Survivor Support Group

Memorial Hospital

500 London Ave., Marysville

 4th Thursdays of the month from 6:00-7:00pm

Contact:  Lisa Huelskamp, LPC, CWC, NCC
PhD in STEM (614) 371-5000


Brain Injury Support Group of Holmes and Wayne Counties

Counseling Center of Wayne and Holmes Counties

2285 Benden Dr, Wooster OH 44691 AND on Zoom (new link sent each month) 9:30-10:30AM

Contact: Pamela Denise Tolliver, MSTE, BA, Founder/Co-Facilitator or Jordan Kindinger

Jordan Kindinger:

(330) 809-7978 Pamela Denise Tolliver:

This group is for survivors only.